"If you can imagine how it feels to have a fluid, balanced body, free of pain , stiffness and chronic stress, at ease with itself and the earth's gravitational field, then you will understand the goals of Structural Integration."
Jeffrey Maitland, Ph.D.
Advanced Rolfer
Anatomy Trains Structural Integration
Structural Integration (SI) is a manual and movement therapy developed by Ida P. Rolf to balance, invigorate, and realign the body to its true state, a vertical alignment which moves and rebounds in Gravity. SI is usually a series of myofascial bodywork sessions specifically designed for You.
Amy uses ATSI (Anatomy Trains Structural Integration), which follows the work of Thomas Myers, founder of Kinesis Inc., Advanced Rolfer / Structural Integrator, and author of Anatomy Trains. SI is an interactive bodywork where your movement creates a deeper change and connection in the tissue. Deep does not mean painful. The depth of the work, over which you always have control, creates longer lasting change in posture, a greater sense of kinesthetic awareness of how you live in your body, and a more fluid neurological connection.
Although some people come to SI because of pain or restriction, the true goal of Structural Integration is to uncover the deep unique pattern of each individual to create more vertical postural alignment and ease of movement in Gravity. If you are looking for a deeper longer lasting change in your body posture, awareness, and movement pattern, SI is for You!
Many clients experience:
Increased lightness and ease in movement
Chronic pain and stiffness alleviated
Improved athletic performance
Improvement to posture
Management of chronic pain and strain
Scoliosis therapy (my personal experience)
Enhanced healing from injuries
and surgeries -
Improved integration of joint replacements
Ease of chronic tension and stress
Reduction of headaches, migraines
and neck pain and strain
Improvement in TMJ disjunction
Reduction of chronic myofascial pain
and repetitive stress patterns -
Decreased sciatica pain
Increased energy and stamina
(Many feel invigorated after a session) -
Emotional and spiritual growth
Increased Body, Mind & Spirit connection
"I have spent many years with back pain. I have been diagnosed with stenosis and scoliosis. Working with Amy has given me noticeable relief, a relief I did not find in traditional medical approaches of medication, physical therapy and massage. After my Structural Integration bodywork, I stand straighter, walk with less pain and sit more easily. Family & friends have commented that I am carrying myself differently. Amy’s in-depth understanding of physiology and her years of massage therapy result in her extraordinary and effective Structural Integration bodywork practice. I will be continuing to work with Amy."
Jerry A.
"Amy's professionalism has instilled a sense of trust that allows me to reap the most benefit from each (Structural Integration) Bodywork session. Each session leaves me feeling tall, healthy, and unencumbered in my movements. I feel strong and aware of my body."
Mary Ellen P.
"The Structural Integration bodywork that Amy does gives me ease in movement and fluidity. The techniques of this work combined with Amy's seasoned talent definitely hastened and strengthened my recovery after a total knee replacement 3 years ago. Since then, she has helped me shift the way I hold myself. Several times a day, I use what I have learned to readjust my posture. I have gained flexibility and internal space. I now measure an inch taller than prior to working with Amy. I highly recommend Structural Integration with Amy."
Nancy A.